You were once the billionaire CEO of an internal fast food chain, but after a series of lawsuits, embezzlement, and a rather nasty divorce you have been left with nothing but a storage unit and a rusty old food stand that your grandfather started the business with. 

You've used the last of your money to purchase some buns, meat, and cheese, and now you must try and work your way back up to billionaire using your last stand!


  • 2024-06-04 - Version 0.9.1 - Dialed down the default mouse speed (seems too fast in the browser). Added the signboard dancer to the title screen because it's fun.


  • When in game mode, wait for a customer to approach the cart. Click on them to display their order. You can have three customers awaiting orders at a time.
  • Click on meats (patties and bacon) to move them to the grill. They take time to cook. Don't leave them on too long or they'll get burned. Customers don't appreciate raw or burned food.
  • Click on items to move them to the assembly board. The order that you click on them is the order (from bottom to top) that the burger is assembled. When you're finished with the order click the checkmark to give it to the first waiting customer.
  • After a few days, held inventory starts to spoil.
  • If you take to long to response to customers they'll often leave the queue, depressed that they didn't get their burger.
  • You can pause the game with the Escape key and choose to end the day early from the pause menu.
  • The game is over when you run out of money & inventory.
  • After each day you can use the money you earned to buy more inventory and upgrade your cart.
  • Ketchup and Mustard don't work. Don't try to use them.


  • Fixing the cart umbrella reduces spoilage.
  • Customers often ask for stuff you don't have. Give them what you can to try and satisfy them a little bit.
  • If you earn enough money to hire the signboard dancer, it's worth it.


  • Ketchup and mustard don't work yet.
  • Sometimes customers get stuck walking in a loop when ordering. You'll have to ignore them for now.


  • Ketchup & mustard.
  • Proper balancing of all the math & costs.
  • Ability to set your own price for the burger.
  • Insect/pest infestation.
  • Health inspector visits/bribing.
  • Upgrading the body of the cart.
  • Upgrading/customizing the sign on the cart.
  • A variety of gig job signboard dancers (there's just one).


  • I used Mixamo and various free character models, but I created the wheels for the stand by myself in Blender (and after spending 3 hours on the wheel decided to make the rest of the stand out of primitives and a few free props like the propane tank and umbrella 😋)
  • All the music in the game was composed by me. You can listen to it all here.
  • Making NPCs walk without bumping into everything and queue up nicely was actually really hard.
  • The character who has dialogue (I intended dialogue for all characters but didn't have time) was voiced by my daughter.

Development log

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